Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's been awhile since I've done anything with my blog. I guess life has gotten in the way and I haven't been keeping up! So, although I've only got twenty minutes before class. I'll give it a go!

As you can probably already tell, I'm back in school, going back for Secondary Education in Biology. The picture is taken from the lobby of the new Science and Technology Center. It's not quite complete yet, and the old science building, Pierce, is close to three-quarters demolished now, but classes begin whether finished or not. I had a class in here over the summer. Bring a jacket, it gets COLD!

I'm attending classes at Clarion University, the same Uni that I did my undergrad. I've taken a couple of classes over the summer, and now I'm signed up for four Ed. classes this fall.
Today is Multi-Cultural Education, which is taught by the cutest little professor (I'm sure she'd just LOVE to hear me say that!) And my others are: MicroComputing in the Classroom (we learned how to save things in my second class...), Special Education for General Educators, and Introduction to Teaching (also by the same professor as multi-cultural). So far none of them seem very difficult, although content-wise, SPED may actually contain the most.

I've already gotten several assignment for my Intro class; I'll have to attend a school board meeting, observe in a classroom, and work on PLATO (prep for PRAXIS I). There are others as well but none too difficult or overly time consuming. Yet.

Other than that, I am waiting for my article to come out in Chicken Soup for the Soul next month. Chicken Soup website gives a guideline for article submissions, and last winter, I came across a proposed book idea looking for submissions for one called "All in the Family". Well, since my family is full of characters, surely I could write something about family!

So I thought for a while and came up with the idea of writing about my endearing, late great-aunt and her sister's visit to my mother in Texas. She'd never left the state before and was quite sheltered in many ways, but she loved experiencing new things. And on this trip, she DID!
This story occurred in the seventies before I was born, but it is STILL talked about around the dinner table quite frequently. And although I attempted to write what I could remember from family talk, I wasn't actually there. So there is so much more to the story of the famous (or infamous?) family vacation than what is now in writing.
So, if you get a chance, October 20th is the release date for Chicken Soup for the Soul: All in the Family.

Well, it's nearly classtime, so ta ta for now, ya'll!