Saturday, November 22, 2008

So I'm sitting here a little glum from all the snow outside my window. Ok, it's not really a lot, just a dusting, but it's still snow, and it's not enough to have fun with either. So I was just perusing some of my summertime pictures in preparation for my next 6 months of hibernation! I came across this picture taken early Labour Day morning this year. We have an annual picnic at Cook Forest State Park where it overlooks the beautiful Clarion River, and some of my family traditionally go down early in the morning for breakfast grilled outdoors. This was a perfect late summer day, the sun was shining in a clear sky, with mist just rising from the cooling river. Beautiful!

I was reminded of a great summer, when I looked at my poor potted herbs this morning straining for a glimpse of sunlight beyond my living room window. It doesn't get a whole lot of light during the day, a giant oak stands right outside and the leaves are stubbornly sticking to its branches. Also it's right next to the heat vent, which is not good for them. They were so vibrant and wonderful this summer, and I loved coming home to fresh herbs growing next to my front door. I had hoped to pot some of them and keep them for those cold winter evenings, to make some great hearty soups!

Well, I'm not known for my green thumb and I think that is still true! I'm going to have to watch them carefully this winter and I'm not known for my patience either!! My parsley tends to dry on the vine and my thyme just can't seemed to get a break. But on a better note, my oregano has taken off even more so than in the warmer weather. Now, I just need to keep them watered. I think that just might be an important part of plant care...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop Requested!

So I was on the bus the other day sitting in the back, barely conscious as usual, when I happened to notice near the front, a little family sitting along the side bench. There was the cutest little girl with her Momma and baby Brother, a petite little thing with these stiff puffy ponytails sticking straight out from the sides of her head. She was just fascinated with the scenery going by the window behind her.

Momma was trying to keep her seated and prevent her from falling backwards, while holding onto baby Brother as we had the maniacally crazy driver this particular trip. But this little girl was just so precious in her curiosity that she almost couldn't take it all in. Her head was turning this way and that, with those little pony tails brushing against the window.

There was just one problem. The buses have cords running across the tops of the windows, and at the front of the bus, there is a cord that runs vertically down the window so that people can reach it without standing up. The little girl wasn't interested in pulling the cord as most little kids are when they ride the bus (there is something fascinating about pulling a cord that speaks and makes a big bus stop!) No, this little girl was more interested in watching the scenery. However, her ponytails had another idea...

She would turn her head this way and that, and as the bus rocked back and forth on its way down the Boulevard, her hair brushing against the windows would every so often catch against the cord. For a while nothing happened.

But then, yep, that ponytail got tangled up with the cord. Now, Momma was engaged in conversation with another passenger at this point and her attention was elsewhere. The girl gave her hair a good tug and continued peering out the window. And naturally the cord as it was designed to do said, "Stop Requested!" Well there was one stop left on this particular part of the route so the driver slowed and stopped, and a woman got on. Not off.

So we continued on our way, when, yep, once again, another little ponytail got tangled in that persistent cord. And again, " Stop requested!" Now we were downtown, and quite a few people get off at that stop, but no one had pulled the cord. This happened a few more times, and each time could have been a legitimate cord pull. Unless you were watching carefully!

There have been quite a few interesting experiences, some of which involved me at the periphery, some as merely an observer. Some have been disturbing and strange, others simply inspire my most confused "Huh?"

Over the years, I have tried many things to keep from being the focus of these odd, but entertaining, approaches. OK, so I thought, I'll just stare out the window. Well, no, that doesn't work. Maybe, I'll read a book! Nope.
I don't have an iPod, but I have a random pair of earbuds, I'll just tuck the other end into my purse. Looks like I'm listening to something. Well, nope, that doesn't work either. Hmm...I know! I'm perpetually short of sleep, I'll catch up on my morning ride and nap in the evening. Well, you guessed it! That doesn't work either. So now I just grin and listen!!